Wednesday 15 August 2012

Awesome Funny Quotes

Awesome Funny Quotes Biography

In 140 characters or less describe who you are, what you do, and why I should care.That is the sizable task the twitter bio demands and below are 30 Awesome examples of how to rise to the challenge and write something that demands attention.I’ve compiled a list of 20 twitter bios that make me laugh and make me want to read more. Note; you will not find any self promotional how to market your business advice in the following list (and that’s exactly the point) these are all about expanding your personal brand with ashort quip that makes people want a relationship with you regardless of business intent (much stronger foundation that the transactional perspective of building value based solely on what you can do/ provide/ sell)
1. Calvin Lee @MayhemStudios
Self-Proclaimed Media Ho, Designer Guy and Twitter Addict. In his spare time, Stunt Doubles for the Hulk and a really Nice Guy! You can even ask Chris Brogan
2. Lolly Daskal @Lollydaskal
Speaker|Author|Motivator| Passionate about Inspiring & Empowering others to become their best Successful Self by Leading From Within
3. Guy Kawasaki @guykawasaki
Firehose that answers the question: What’s interesting? Co-founder of Alltop.
4. Lifehacker @Lifehacker
Don’t live to geek; geek to live.5. Lindsay Heller @TheCigarChick
YC’s only female tobacconist bringing you all the info on the biz & my love of music, scholarship, wine, food, all things Italian & Latin American.
6. Amber Osbourne @missdestructo
Destroyer of Social Media Boredom. Blue Haired Blogger.
7. Graham “Logo” Smith@imjustcreative

Logo & identity designer for hire. Creating clean and unique logos, identities and rebrands. Iconic, typographic and minimalist tendencies. 25 years experience.

8. Ryan Penagos @Agent_M

Editor of Writer, blogger, lover of tacos, tattoos, comics, video games, pop culture and cute stuff. See also: @Marvel and

9. Natasha Wescoat @natasha

Artist/Synaesthetic. Blog: @artcandytv. Comic writer/artist for @Mashable. Batman lover. Horror fiend. Former musician. Meta

10. Steffanie Cameron @smuttysteff

I tweet hard, fast, & often. I’m opinionated & swear CONSTANTLY. Don’t like it? Don’t follow. Otherwise: You’ll take it & like it.

11. Delana Burnett @dee_burnett

A rocker chick obsessed with all things rock & outlaw country; a HUGE Razorback fan; a business woman who busts her butt to support her concert habit!!!

12. Tiny Buddha @tinybuddha

The Tiny Buddha brings you quotes from the wise! Simple wisdom for complex lives.

13.  Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee

Wine guy, host of Wine Library TV. Video blogger and Businessman that loves people and the hustle

14. Alex Hunter @cubedweller

Brand igniter, angel investor, public speaker, former Virgin.

15. Crystal Jackson @cryjack

Fight stupidization.

16. Katie Rose @katefeetie

You know the burnt-out college student in front of you in line at Target who was intermittently chuckling to herself? Nice to meet you, too.

17. Dr. Kiki Sanford @drkiki

Science ninjas unite!

18. Gina @sugaredmagnolia
Food activist, lover of white precipitation & K2 skis, owner of mad kitchen skills, runs organic, fair-trade bakery. It’s all blogged at

19. Wandering Biker @wanderingbiker

Unemployed computer guy takes off on his motorcycle seeking fame, fortune and adventure.

20. Alana Joy @alanajoy

I’ve come here to chew bubblegum & kick ass & I’m all out of bubblegum. • a muse: amused • media misfit, marketing mastermind • host • blogger • sarcatalyst •

hope you’re inspired full of ideas just please don’t put the title on your bsuiness card on ur twitter bio, ultimate snoozefest.

Have some fun with it make me want to know you. You can do it!. If you’ve found any great twitter bios I missed post them ion the comments below!
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